From managing cash flow to fixing profit leaks, read our latest advice on navigating your entrepreneurial journey!
Goodbye Commute, Hello New World of Work!
Let’s start off with an anecdote: Three years ago, a business owner reached out to me needing support. He ran an apparel business and had just found out that his controller was retiring…
A “Carefrontational” Wrap to 2020: Get Your Books In Order.
At DashboardNY we believe in “carefrontation.” That means telling you the truth, even when it’s a hard truth, because we care about your success. So after congratulating you for surviving this long, exhausting year, I need to tell you that you can’t just coast your way into 2021 in the hopes that you’ll be energized in the new year. You’ve got work to do right now.
How the Grinch Needed A Better Record-Keeping System
In Whoville they tell of the Grinch with his sack
Who one night stole Christmas then gave it all back.
But the genial Whos don’t hold a grudge long
So they never point out he returned it all wrong.
You Can't Make a Thanksgiving Dinner if You Don’t Know What’s in Your Kitchen
Many of us have scaled back Thanksgiving plans this year, but it’s still a good time to consider the similarities between the grand undertaking of a big meal and the grand undertaking of running a business. With both, you need a process to track what you have and what you need. Otherwise you might wind up with bland gravy or extra shipping costs.